jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

What is the truth?

“One can only make progress when you think big, it is only possible to move forward when you look away” (Ortega y Gasset: La revolución de las masas)



“A clear signal of the love of the truth is not to keep any proposition with greater security that ensures the evidence on which it is based” John Locke

In the last years of career together with my colleagues, we live enthusiastically and cabals discoveries of Physics in the first half of 1960, we were fascinating, talked much and made some predictions about its impact on the future of what until then was considered as “hypothesis” and “truths” immovable. Without knowing it already talked about antimatter and that the Universe had facts that demonstrate what we thought (perhaps we were too bold for what we know). Rather than I was completed studies continued performing with a great friend in summer nights that went until dawn. All conversations are always was present that the Universe would be difficult to meet, given the great distances and the years since that we receive the signal or event and the moment on we are studying it, so supplementing our thinking with other similar deductions and that had already been proven. Deny that physics, philosophy and metaphysics had place in these conversations would be a lie, we were looking for the “truth” and to not put any impediment, something that I made in this small study, where only I have in mind the physical elements, tested and published in scientific journals, some that I make deductions, which arise from the study of the event , without taboos and knowing that in physics not everything is said, is a long way in which existing theories are helping us to go, although I am aware of the Universe know about 5%, well little given the magnitude that has hope that the contributions that are made will allow us to delve into what until now unknown.

I have removed most of the references at the end, since by the subject matter I thought it most appropriate to that part of the article to facilitate the task to those coming to read, in my opinion.

1.    Introduction

Since the dawn of humanity, the Universe has been a big question, questions that past years still have not found the answer, although with the new technologies lately we have approached the reality, there are still controversies, theories that want to give the answers to the questions that we cannot answer and others that no theory has dared to reply : what is the Universe?, what is it that holds it?, towards where it expands, and to where will do it?, whether closed or open, the problem is the same. Questions that they remember much that the ancients were raised and they created a young titan Atlas to sustain our planet. In the last decades have greatly advanced the knowledge of the Universe, including your home, an example is that until September 2011 the “Tatooine” planet with two Suns of the “Star Wars” was a fiction of Georges Lucas film, in that month was discovered the system Kepler-16b with two Suns in the milky way, finally detected 2165 systems of this type, in accordance with published by researchers from the University of Florida in “Nature” magazine, also scientists from the University of Heidelberg in “Science Express” confirm that they were common in the early Universe, usually rotate with a centre of gravity common, even found a planet orbiting around four Suns Neptune-type without be able to explain the reason for the resistance to the gravitational attraction that is submitted. Another step over it have given Dr Joan Vaccaro (Associate Professor) of Griffith's Centre for Quantum Dynamics (Griffith University - Australia) with what he called effect “violation” ("If it were not involved not we advance in time and would be stuck in the Big Bang, so that this showing like leak from Big Bang") in an article published in “SVi News” the 17 of August of 2016, that gives an explanation satisfactory to solve the anomaly of physical conventional that produces this effect, giving step with this to the origin of the laws of conservation, and what is important of the evolution of the time in what called “Novel Theory on Moving Through Time" This means that physical theories must be symmetric in time. To be symmetric in time they would need to accommodate both directions of time and both meson behaviors. This is the anomaly in physics that I am attempting to solve."Dr. Vaccaro is presenting her work at the Soapbox Science event held in Brisbane as part of National Science Week, titled "The meaning of time: why the Universe didn't stay put at The Big Bang and how it is 'now' and no other time". Really it want to know to know it since is our House, and us holds each day a new discovery that us surprise and allow know it best, and perhaps someday answer to them questions made previously and that even not have response. It say convinced of that us found before it more wonderful that exists, but also to the more dangerous and unpredictable in many of their events. Someone could imagine the "jump" of Jupiter, them asteroids (would protective of it land?), or the cloud of Oort, the cliff of Kuiper, or them fields magnetic described by Ed Stone (JPL) in the travel of the Voyager I and the area of "sliding" prior to the output interstellar that according to the NASA the 13 of September of 2013, the Voyager 1 is became in the first object created by the man in reach the space interstellar, although previously Ed Stone scientific control of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Institute of Technology of California - Center says that "since May 7 the impacts of cosmic rays have increased 5% a week and a nine per cent a month... The latest data indicate that we are clearly in a new region in which things change faster". Previously own JPL in the magazine "Astrophysics" in 2007 was somewhat surprising area of turbulence "bubbles" magnetic, something Ed Stoner described as "exciting. We are bringing us to the border of the system Solar". Milestone, like many, that increasingly will know what surrounds us, its history from the beginning, and possibly meet him it may happen form approximate percentages next to 3σ. The laws fundamental of the physical not distinguished between last and future, as holds are Carrol, physical of the Institute technological of California (Caltech), the time is as an arrow that always points to the future by some reason hidden. According to Ludwig Boltzmann the cause could be linked with the increased spontaneous of the disorder in the Universe, the entropy. But despite the attempt of Boltzmann, still not know why the Big Bang began with a State so ordered and compact of energy (the minimum disorder possible), and why from then all goes towards front in the time and never to back. If the cause of that time that goes forward is elusive, it is also that of the duration of a moment. With much accuracy can be measured? They are a measure perfect and objective? He limit theoretical is in the time of Planck (the time in that a photon runs the distance of Planck, that is to his time it length minimum in which them effects quantum of it gravity begin to operate), but actually not is knows: the response to this enigma seems be between the physical and the philosophy. The mechanical quantum has allowed measure with precision one of them moments more brief until the time, in concrete, scientific of the University technical of Vienna, have measured the duration of a leap quantum, a phenomenon that is thought that passed instantly makes ones years, but whose duration is has established now on them five attoseconds, (an attoseconds is 10-18 seconds, a millisecond is 10-3 seconds), their findings have been published in "Nature Physics" of the 5 December 2016. An element more, the technology Pan-STARRS (Panoramic Survey Telescope& Rapid Response System) It has allowed deep into the Universe and discover how amazing we can find, it's a project was undertaken by an international collaboration including the Universities of Edinburgh and Durham, and Queen’s University Belfast. It was supported by NASA and the National Science Foundation. “This rapid, repeating survey has enabled us to discover very rare events in which a massive black hole shreds a passing star, which otherwise would have been impossible to spot. Releasing the data will now enable astronomers round the world to study huge numbers of distant stars and galaxies in ways we can't even guess." said Professor Andy Lawrence, of The Pan-STARRS the University’s School of Physics and Astronomy (December 2016). We have many data pointing in this direction, including the Werner Hofmann (director of the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (Heidelberg-Germany)) http://spanish.peopledaily.com.cn/n3/2016/1128/c92121-9147847.html 11/28/2016 that "offers the space and time are not how Einstein believed it ... Am convinced of that what we know of the space and the time has to be modified. If we'll find out with the Cherenkov telescopes, that's the million-dollar question. Some theories believe it possible, and others say that the effects will be very small and difficult to detect. It is clear that it will not impact our ordinary life, but yes, of course, would change much science. Already we know that at distances small, that are the distances Planck, the theory of Einstein has certain modifications. The problem is that we still don't know how to change the theory". What we see in all aspects is essential in all the theories post Newtonian is that we always present the transformation of Lorenzt which has a major role in what I'm going to expose.

2. Matter and Universe

From the inflation of the Big Bang know that the Universe is is cooling, and the space and the time is expand, by them data that have it makes each time to a speed more beyond of it planned in them theories, coming to go surpassing the speed of the light, in what I have called "Singularity finite-infinite", that goes in the address of it exposed by the award Nobel Adam Riess (Johns Hopkins University-Baltimore (Maryland)) that is that the Universe accelerates "I think that there is something in the standard cosmological model we do not understand ", said while giving the results carried out by him and other great physicists in the 2016-05-17 arXvi.org (2.4% Determination of the Local Value of the Hubble Constant). What I understand is that we have to be open to what up to now was an immutable truth can cease to be on something, remaining valid for the most part.

Knowing of nothing - is not the same as vacuum - the Universe has reached the current size, leads us to think that nothing is that space-time is being developed. But is nothing that holds it?, the space-time has not arrived there because there is no Universe. Knowing of nothing - is not the same as vacuum - the Universe has reached the current size, leads us to think that nothing is that space-time is being developed. But is nothing that holds it?, the space-time has not arrived there because there is no Universe. Others Universes not resolved it asks, always indicate that all has that be within the space-time or dimensions that know, what reinforces the "Singularity finite-infinite" because to the overcome the speed of the light itself entered in another dimension, and there can see that there is a response.

In recent years with new technologies we have approached much knowledge of what happened at the outset of the Universe, when there was as much matter as antimatter, but still we cannot answer where antimatter is?, we are approaching, but arise more enigmas that are held matter and antimatter?. In the "inflation" of the Big Bang space and time expanded to higher speed of light, perhaps out there have a clue where antimatter is located. In the project BASE of the CERN (compares protons to antiprotons with high precision) task in which made 13,000 measurements during 35 days with the same precision, the spokesman and director of the research BASE Stefan Ulmer said in the paper in "Nature" the 2 of September of 2015: "this is a theme important because us helps to understand why live in a Universe that not has virtually no antimatter, while the Big Bang must have led to the creation of both". Confirmed finding the star that should not exist, possibly born shortly after the Big Bang, "the star is so poor in metals which we could only detect the trace of an element heavier than helium - calcium - in our first observations", according to Piercarlo Bonifacio of the Observatory de Paris (31 August de2011), who was who led the project.

One of the latest theories has presented it in September 2015 the researcher Laura Mersini-Houghton (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), who initially published in the month of June 2015 in the journal Physics Letters B., where his study concludes that it is mathematically impossible to the existence of black holes in the Universe. Not is the only vision controversial, passing from which says that all is an illusion in which us project, to which there are Universes parallel that is interrelate us between itself. Perhaps more far arrive them researchers Mexican Xavier Hernandez Doring, Sergio Mendoza Ramos and scientific of the Institute of Astronomy of the University national autonomous of Mexico (UNAM) that proposed the theory of gravitation extended to eliminate it matter and energy dark that never is have seen or is has proven published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in 2013 , Sergio Mendoza says it clearly: "about that there is no hidden or dark fluid and instead proposed the theory of gravitation extended compatible with the tenets of Newton and Einstein, but extending them with new observations to predict the movement of massive objects as clusters of galaxies, spiral galaxies, binary stars, spheroid and dwarf galaxies". It's nothing new, earlier investigations made at the observatories in La Silla (La Serena) and Las Campanas (Atacama Region) in Chile concluded that there is no evidence of the existence of the milky way dark matter, as previously thought years ago, making doubt the existence of this type of matier in the Universe. According to Moni-Bidin them results are solid but not have a clear explanation, the next steps are repeat and confirm them results, extending the measurement to others areas of the Galaxy, the scientific says that "is need search models of matter dark that respect these results, and to the same time, all them observations past. Or perhaps, search a new theory of the gravitation that eliminates the need of matter dark to explain several phenomena". In the side opposite have, between others many, the report published by Matt Walker, researcher of the Center Harvard Smithsonian for the Astrophysics in arXiv.org that adds, if fits, another dose of mystery to the matter dark "after have finished our work know even less on the matter dark of what knew before start". What I'm sure is that if there is something how the dark matter, the stars of our Galaxy is dispersed without remedy. In 2012 astronomers of the University of Zurich, the University of Leicester and the Beijing NAOC has found large amounts of dark matter around the Sun. Their results that are published in the magazine Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society are consistent with the theory of that via milk is surrounded of a halo of this elusive substance. Reality leads us to the data provided by the probe WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) that have been used to estimate the composition of the Universe by deducting that only 4% of the Universe is ordinary matter - baryonic that forms the visible-, while 23% is dark baryonic matter, and the remaining 73% is dark energy. Those same data support the inflationary theories which postulate that shortly after the Big Bang a very rapid there was expansion of space and time, conforms to the theory of relativity, but at the same time “exploding” matter and energy, including the dark that is appears to have collapsed because the galaxies move in physical models theoretical and real, because there are no shocks and the laws of gravity are working properly they act as a counterweight to the gravitational force. The authors of the “paper at arXiv: 1204.2797” reported that “the observation of a line of ray in the flows of cosmic rays would confirm dark matter”; two months more afternoon is detected matter and energy dark beside the Sun, shortly after the telescope space Swift of the NASA detected a hole unknown in the Via milk. Following to Moni-Bidin the physical Dragan Hajdukovic, of the CERN, published in "Astrophysics and Space Science" that the matter dark could be an illusion created by the interaction gravitational between particles virtual of matter and antimatter in the space vacuum quantum, that sea effervescent in that of form continuous appear and disappear particles and antiparticles. Finally, in "dark energy and the fate of the Universe", published in "China Science", researchers from the Institute of physics theoretical of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, studied the pressure and the density of dark energy, coming to the conclusion that when the cosmological constant is W < -1, the density will grow infinitely, so their gravitational repulsion will be so great that it will destroy the entire Universe the "Big Rip" , and all as say the acronym RIP will rest in peace. In accordance with their calculations would happen 35,000 million of years after the Big Bang, we are therefore 21.300 million of years, although before our Sun is converted in a giant red within 5.000 million of years and will disappear the system Solar.

To go against this, we have that the Royal Academy of Sciences, Sweden has recognized that the Universe is accelerating its expansion by giving the Nobel Prize in physics of 2011 Saul Perlmutter of USA, the Australian–USA Brian Schmidt and Adam G. Riess also USA for "their discoveries on the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe' through his observations of very distant supernovas. If continue indefinitely them galaxies foreign to the super cluster of Virgo is move more beyond of the horizon of events and not will be visible, because its speed radial-speed of an object along the line visual of the observer-will be greater that the speed of the light, possibly soon it will know already is known the speed to which is away known as the Hubble constant and published in Astrophysical Journal is de74, 3 kilometers per second per mega parsec - 1megaParsec are 3.26 million years being a year light 9,460728 × 1012 Km-, know better the dark energy responsible for this expansion, through the "Dark Energy Camera" located in Chile, where we started, the results are expected to know within five years , and it is believed that they will go on the road of the discovered by astronomers at the University of Zurich, the University of Leicester and the NAOC in Beijing who have found large amounts of dark around the Sun matter, results can be read in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, as I have written above. Do importance?, challenge theories about the development of the Universe, and in my opinion one of the four forces, the gravitational and the opposite, dark energy have influenced, influence and can influence the Universe, solar system, our Galaxy, and of course in the future of the Earth. Is only a little of what is happening, contradictions and theories that try to of fit is in what have, possibly has arrived the time of that return to theories that can endorse is with made in which reach although only is a sigma of probability, i.e. a level of confidence of the 68.5%, would be desirable arrive to them two σ (95.5%).

Increasingly have more questions to where it expands, doing so, and to where it will be?, what was the initial state of the Universe?, what's outside the boundaries of the Universe?, are there any other "Universe"?, will be the Big Crunch collapse, with a new Big Bang?, what would happen if the Big Rip?, even in our Solar system when the Sun becomes a red giant will produce new systems or will become a white dwarf is predicted how?... really Universe have problems with you, therefore we can say that the Universe is a "quantum" chaos governed by laws established in relativity. Duality that resulted in the last century in debates between Albert Einstein "God not only plays dice with the Universe; but sometimes them throws where not can see them", and Niels Bohr, responding "Einstein, let of tell you to God what has that do", ending Einstein when said: "it more incompressible of the reality is that is understandable", on this duality it last that is can tell are the words of Stephen Hawking: "Einstein was right saying that God doesn't play dice with the Universe. Considering the hypothesis of black holes, God not only plays dice with the Universe: sometimes throws them where we can't see them”, and that obey to them laws of the mechanical quantum, e even, add, us can lead to another Universe and perhaps check where is located the antimatter, giving it reason to them Prize Nobel of physical Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi, Toshihide Maskawa, and to Nicola Cabibboque that also should have been award-winning, to the confirm that after the Big Bang emerged an amount equal of matter and antimatter. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed a theory of waves of plasma where it can be inferred these properties in greater detail that standard approaches, new research, published July 29, 2016 (http://phys.org/news/2016-07-quantum-theory-einstein-special-relativity.html#jCp), analyzes the plasma that surrounds a press by the coupling of Einstein's theory of relativity with quantum mechanics which describes the motion of the subatomic particles, such as the nuclei atomic: ions and electrons in the plasma. Few days before physicists at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) had found that neutrinos behave with three quantum properties (i.e. everything, both), which can be read in the magazine “Physical Review Letters” at the end of the month of July 2015. Neutrinos which already gave much to talk to go faster than the speed of light, denied by the CERN saying that optical cable using the watches was wrong. The strange effects quantum is extend hundreds of kilometers, the physical of the MIT found that the distribution of flavors or attributes that differentiates to each one of them six quarks (together with them leptons are them constituents fundamental of the matter) that form neutrinos with them “flavors” (u (up), d (down), s (strange), c (charme), b (bottom) and t (top) generated in Illinois) they compared them to the detected in Minnesota and found that distributions can be more easily explained by quantum phenomena: While the neutrinos accelerated between the reactor and the detector, they were statistically more likely in a State of superposition, without taste or defined identity. In July 2016 says David Kaiser Professor of history of science and of physics at MIT “what is fascinating is that many of us tend to times the quantum mechanics applied to small scales... But it turns out that we cannot escape from quantum mechanics, even when we describe the processes that occur at great distances. We cannot stop our quantum mechanical description even when things stop into a State and enter another, We cannot stop our quantum mechanical description even when things stop into a State and enter another, traveling hundreds of miles. I think it's awesome”. Precisely according to the Swedish Academy, the winners of the Nobel Prize in physics 2011 Saul Perlmutter, Brian P.Schmidt and Adam G. Riess (already mentioned) was “for his work on the accelerated expansion of the Universe through observations of distant supernovae”, it changed both what is known so far, including the speed of light “c”, it wasn't anything exceptional in the “inflation” (the space infinitely faster growth that the light) or the “finite-infinite singularity” that will more fast that the light, that until knew that them by his work in common had arrived to that discovery not be dared to publish it. This discovery us indicates that the Universe never is again to collapse, to the contrary will continue to expanding is by “the nothing” in where is detected the explosion (Big Bang) more fabulous never view which gave place to the Universe in which live. We now know there is “nothing” how has just demonstrated Christophe Galfard (The Universe in Your Hand. A Journey through Space, Time and Beyond). Several events happened at that moment, critical mass was, and is, the correct so that the Universe does not disappear back to reduce, and is appropriate expands does and continues to grow, the force generated became the key existing, nuclear, nuclear, weak strong, electromagnetic, and gravitational, probably dark energy.

All of this poses to Physics problems solved by returning them to the metaphysics, philosophy or theology, now must confront them and find what existed before the inflation that caused the “Big Bang”, so far only know what happened 10-47 after its home, but not before, which raises the physical problems that so far solved back into metaphysics, philosophy or theology, now is has that face to them and find what existed before the inflation. We know at that time there was a point of infinite density, where matter and antimatter (energy and anti-energy) lived together that suddenly erupted to expand at an unimaginable speed. At that time, there was a point of infinite density, where matter and antimatter (energy and anti-energy) lived together that suddenly erupted to expand at an unimaginable speed. Obviously all the (antimatter) anti-energy“ passed” to another dimension where developed a process similar to that suffered material and thus arose the shedding, which did not have the same formation process that we know.

3.    On the edge of the Universe

Space probes with their telescopes, the new observations from the ground with the latest technology, we are giving every day astonishing news of what surrounds us, of the Universe, we know that it is accelerating - how have showed Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt, Adam G. Riess 2011 Nobel Prize - foreign galaxies to the Virgo super cluster are about to achieve radial speed - speed of a particle along the visual line of the observer-superior to light and will to disappear from our sight, following his trip to which I have called the uniqueness or Paradox of the “finite-Infinity”, which goes beyond the Olbers paradox that receives the name of the physicist and German astronomer Wilhelm Olbers, who scribed the paradox in the 1820. It explained that the distance of the stars and their displacement to red was what provided a dark sky, rather than brilliant how it was to be expected. In this way the Australian mathematicians Jim Hill and Barry Cox writes in “The Proceedings of the Royal Society A”, proposed two transformations between inertial systems that apply to the relative speeds greater than the speed of light, and that are complementary to the transformation of Lorentz to “In this highly controversial topic, our particular purpose is not to enter into the merits of existing theories, but rather to present a succinct and carefully reasoned account of a new aspect of Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which allows for faster than light motion properly”, what is happening at the end of the Virgo super cluster.

It explained that the distance of the stars and its redshift was what provided a dark sky, rather than brilliant how it was to be expected. In this way the Australian mathematicians Jim Hill and Barry Cox writes in “The Proceedings of the Royal Society A.”, they propose two transformations between inertial systems that apply to the relative speeds greater than the speed of light, and that they are complementary to the factor of Lorentz, which as I have just said is happening at the end of the Virgo super cluster. This leads to ask current physical theories are completely valid?, it's time to remember what was written by Karl Popper “the game of science has no end. One that decides a day that the hypothesis scientific not need any test more and that can be admitted as definitely verified, that is remove of the game”.

The data that have confirm that the Universe has a geometry flat, would really it is?, deducing is that is will expand of way indefinite, that eliminates them two theories of the “Big Crunch, and of the Big RIP”. With that answer the questions will come the Big Crunch collapse, with a new Big Bang?, what would happen if the Big Rip?, all said that in the same way as how cosmic background radiation - discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilsonen 1964, in the Bell Telephone Laboratory and confirmed in 2001 by the anisotropies of the cosmic background radiation that was detected with the COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) satellite - still can be find in the Universe, if had dreaded place the Big Crunch would be some indication, given the tracking to which is subjecting the Universe safe that had appeared something. Now already is can tell that is a reality, how said the reviled by many in Spain the physical Julio Palacios “Relativity, a new theory” where part of a new equations in which considers the Universe three-dimensional (still considering “c” constant), the reference to this Spanish physicist appears in the recent work of Mueller and Kneckebrodt, 95 years of criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003); The G.O. Mueller Research Project (GOMProject Relativity), Germany, May 2006. Recently Published 27 January 2017 in Physical Review Letters 118,041301 (2017) - From Planck Data to Planck Era: Observational Tests of Holographic Cosmology: They claim to have found the first proof that the Universe is a hologram It remains to be three-dimensional,


The immediate question, towards where it expands, doing so, and to where it will do it?, the “finite-infinite” paradox gives a possible and plausible answer, yet we are the same. What happened shortly after the start, it was decided to saying that it was an infinitely small “singularity” of infinite density, followed by the expansion of space-time itself, because we said that also of matter and energy. We can now be before another finite-infinite “singularity”, time, space, matter, energy, and dimension, where theories are, only the quantum has answers to part of the situation, much more knowing what has just published the journal “Science”, where two different papers conclude that the simultaneity of the two States of light is possible and real. So the new theories would not serve, de-facto there is no any evidence with a high degree of reliability and consistent to take them into account. The data that sent us special probes, jointly with which are obtained on Earth acidic us every day news, some contradictory on this subject still many questions there is where to expand?, there are other dimensions in the Universe?, take account of Popper is it not that the Lorentz factor is not?, is that then if the speed of light it could overcome, and the facts tell us that it is possible, and would if you can go faster than light? We have seen that, and it applied the words of Eleanor Roosevelt “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.

Giving a surprising twist, but according to the theory of Karl Popper which I cited above, the Australian mathematicians Jim Hill and Barry Cox proposed in “The Proceedings of the Royal Society A” two transformations between inertial systems that apply to the relative speeds greater than the speed of light, and that are complementary to the Lorentz factor as I said that it is what is happening. In quantum mechanics, due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, an electron cannot be never at rest has always had a non-zero kinetic energy.

4.    Asymmetrical Universe?

Recall that under the sign of the symmetry and beauty was granted in 2008 the Nobel Prize in physics theoreticians of particles, Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa, there still a question and disturbing shadow of an omission, because that should have been awarded also Nicola Cabibbo physical Italian which is attributed part of parenthood. The physics-theory explain that after the Big Bang came about an equal amount of matter and antimatter without to know today where it is or what happened with most of the antimatter?, what is one of the greatest enigmas in physics and the Universe we know. Data from experiments conducted in the USA have confirmed that the elementary particles of antimatter decompose more quickly than its analogues of matter, this decay rate can only explain the asymmetry of a part of matter and antimatter in the Universe. True we're seeing that the Universe as it was thought that it was questioned, and even speaks of a new force in an article published in “arXiv.org” by Alberto Vecchiato and Mario Gai, the Astrophysical Observatory of Turin that proposing a new cosmological model that includes among other forces of nature the antigravity, and joining others who deny the matter and dark energy calling into question the “inflation” that occurred after the Big Bang.

Antimatter is relatively little: mainly is observed in the accelerators of the particles elementary, during them reactions nuclear and in them rays cosmic, then would where is the antimatter?. In the experiment “DZero” of the Tevatron Collider (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab USA)), has found it evidence of a violation of this symmetry that even exceeds with much it predicted by the model standard of it physical of particles, when contain quarks bottom, not lack who it attributed to it different speed of decomposition of the matter and the antimatter that the last study shows a 1% of difference between the production of pairs of muons and pairs of antimuones in the disintegration of Mesons B, compounds of an antiquark Fund (data) and a quark above (B), the particles elementary that generate antineutrons and neutrons, know that the matter is identical to the antimatter, even quantum, and with them leptons that produce electrons gave place to the first hydrogen of the Universe (neutron and electron), the anti mounds and anti leptons produce anti hydrogen (antiproton or neutron with load negative and positron or electron with load positive). Know therefore how is composed the antimatter although all these digressions continue without answer to the question that already did before would what has happened or where is it antimatter primary?, that not is trivial and is achieving that is issues many theories that is believed immovable a Know therefore how is composed the antimatter although all these digressions continue without answer to the question that already did before would what has happened or where is is it antimatter primary?, that not is trivial and is achieving that is issues many theories that is believed immovable and returns to think is that the factor of Lorentz is more important of it thought , that could open the way to the questions that remain unanswered: what holds the Universe?, or put another way what is where you pop up and nothing by where we expand?. And returns to think is that the factor of Lorentz is more important of it thought , that could open the way to the questions that remain unanswered: what holds the Universe?, or put another way what is where you pop up and nothing by where we expand?.

5. Antimatter, matter and another dimension.

In them moments initial that know of the Big Bang know that existed so much matter how antimatter, during the great Explosion is produced what know how “inflation” happened two phenomena, one led to the Universe asymmetric that today know in where emerged the bosom of Higgs and subsequently, confirmed in August 2015 it appearance of the Plasma of gluons and Quarks (GQP) both in accordance with the laws of it mechanical quantum. Until now all it clarified the theory of the relativity that the great Einstein promulgated in 1905, what is is discovering returns to prove that something has that tell the theory quantum. The second is the “disappearance” of the antimatter, that against what some thought that was little lasting, in the same month of August of 2015 scientific of the CERN publishing that the matter and antimatter are perfect mirror images”, they have a behavior similar, where is?.

Following August 2015 as fruitful month in the Conference organized by KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) Stephen Hawking in his speech said the black holes to keep the information, confirming the laws of quantum mechanics which indicate that the information of the Universe should never disappear, becomes further assert that it is possible that the black holes lead to another Universe , whose existence the teachers Howard Wiseman and Michael Hall of Griffith University (Australia) and Dirk-André Deckert, California University publishing in the magazine Physical Review X, and that instead of evolve of form independent these worlds near is influence between itself by a subtle force of repulsion. Without sharing this theory, also detects that the speed of light is exceeded at the beginning, how now in the “singularity finite-infinite” is exceeded, how detected studies that indicate that the Universe is accelerating its expansion, which the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden has recognized (how already said) the Nobel Prize in physics of 2011 giving Saul Perlmutter of USA , to the British Brian Schmidt, and to Adam G. Riess also of used by “their discoveries on the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe through his observations of supernovae very distant”. If the acceleration continues indefinitely, the result end will be that the galaxies foreign to the super cluster of Virgo is moved more beyond of the horizon of events and not will be visible, because their speed radial, how already have seen, will be greater that the speed of the light. Also Nitro Star that roam the space have been detected, some astrophysicists have suggested that in principle, these Astros could move at a rate greater, even faster than light, which leads us to the Hubble constant that is calculated by observing the rapidity with which the galaxies in the local Universe move away from the milky way , that studied the team of Riess published in arXiv the 6 of April of 2016, write that studied and measured the constant with a uncertainty less than the 2.4% (lower in 0.9% to it made previously), and checked that the speed of expansion in it observed was a 8% more fast that it planned, or what is it same the Universe is expands more quickly of what is thought which led him to say to Riess and his team that the standard model has to change, how we had seen earlier, with a possibility that dark energy is strengthened as it passes the time, elementary particles of dark matter have therefore properties other than which they attach to them.

Would of it previous that confirms them laws of it mechanical quantum, can deduct is that are false it theory of the relativity and the Newtonian?, not is certain, both are valid if not consider that the speed of the light is a limit and is can overcome, what already is could deduct to the, check that the equations of Maxwell of the electromagnetism and them of Einstein , and in both is is the factor of Lorentz that us indicates that probably (quantum) there is another dimension to the overcome the speed of the light and according it “function of wave quantum” formulated by Von Neuman, and with the “entanglement quantum” would is there it antimatter and the Universe would be symmetrical?. All is confirms also to the have in has to researchers of the University of Western Australia (UWA) that have analyzed the light that us arrives of galaxies distant check that currently the Universe is two times less energy that makes two thousand million of years, each minute that passes the expansion of the Universe is more fast (confirming it written previously); The principle of thermodynamics that energy is created or destroyed is not met?, I think that Yes and that this loss of energy it has to do with black holes and possibly step to another Universe that says Stephen Hawking. Appears the factor of Lorentz, we know that in the limit energy is infinite - according to the theory of relativity mass is infinite - which leads me again to consider the finite-infinite singularity, that which has the initial singularity or inflation a continuation, introduces us to a new field, the next step when the speed is greater than that of light, i.e. the mass is in motion, and the factor of is converted in a number complex.

David Reitze Director of the experiment LIGO (Observatory of interferometry laser of waves gravitational) announced “ladies and gentlemen, we have detected waves gravitational... The signal, detected the 12 of September, comes from two holes black on rotation deforming the space-time. They have about 30 solar masses and are light to 1,300 million years... Come from the cloud of Magellan, a Galaxy Satellite of the Via milk... Think in something of some 150 km of diameter, with a mass 30 times of the Sun, and accelerate it to the half of the speed of the light. Now think of another object that is 35 times the mass of the Sun and speed it up to half the speed of light, and then make them collide, this is what we saw here. It's amazing!”, in addition to the signal sound is attracted. Then Kip Thorne (co-founder of LIGO) confirmed: “was exactly as predicted Einstein”. The waves that should his name because “transmit” it energy or force gravitational when two objects collide between itself and that is moving to the speed of it light how Albert Einstein predicted its existence make 100 years (by that the ad of it discovered the 12 of September of 2015 is made the Thursday 11 of February de2016) day in which formulated it “theory general of it relativity”, as a result of the findings to some leading theory: matter distorts space-time, called how the curvature of space-time in the Universe. So far it had detected transmitting light and the electromagnetic described by Maxwell, up to here everything normal Maxwell's wave theory not explained all the known properties of the light, but when Albert Einstein, against their quantum ideas, which never admitted, said that some form of “what light” should accept to explain the thermal equilibrium observed between matter and electromagnetic radiation, what you earned the prize Nobel of Physics in 1921. It would be two years more later when Arthur Compton (Nobel Prize in 1927) proved that it behaved in a quantum way and called a photon.

Today we have the same problem, gravitational waves as previously thought according to the theory of relativity should be continuous, we know that it is not like this, the graviton, but with mass, behave how the photons of light, are both at the same time (quantum theory), and move in the space “how balls or balls” depending on its strength or energy (“weight and strength”) on what fall “sinks” the Universe on that site and shortens distances. A “rude” example that can explain it, is how if on an extended sheet and floating launch balls, sink the sheet and does bring the ends) there have the curvature of the space - time that produces matter how 100 years ago said Einstein, where follows, among others, that gravitational waves are very different in the light. Kip Thorne believes they will bring many surprises about the Universe, in fact new research fields, opens up to now what we knew of the Universe, about 5% was due to light, in the future when we move more in gravitational wave detection technology it will be possible to see the Universe through the gravity. This work involved 1.004 authors according to the study published in the Physical Review Letters, to continue the research joins them the Virgo Italian Observatory located near Pisa that works since 2007 for the same purpose.

On the other hand this discovery opens up fundamental physics paths to confirm that there is a two-way connection between the theories of relativity and quantum relationship that Kip Thorne, always cautious, said that this discovery not approached them, which never admitted Einstein, we his famous debates with Niels Bohr - although if he admitted what he called “the light” today photon - and their opposition to the quantum entanglement introduced by Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 which contradicted with the call “Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen Paradox” (cannot photon if it is continuous wave), now we know that there is this paradox and that continuous wave with photon quantum discontinuity is compatible and that may even be both at the same time.

Gravitational waves are abundant in the Universe, come from the shock of black holes, how has been detected, but explosions have also been observed or shock binary stars neutrons systems, supernovae (star bangs)..., with a power of billions of atomic bombs, that power is which allowed that LIGO detects them and hear even when they happened to do 1.300 million light years.

The discovery of 12 September 2015 confirms what is said in August about black holes Stephan Hawkins in the Conference at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), where said that they keep the information, confirming the laws of quantum mechanics which indicate that the information of the Universe should never disappear, and arrives to say that a black hole can be communication between two universes is possible for me our matter and antimatter existing in the other Universe, both were formed at the time of the Big Bang in which both exist, theory that among others relies on published by scientists at CERN in the same month of August where affirm that matter and antimatter are the same as is already said. It is likely that does not fall, what leads us to another question what's outside the boundaries of the Universe?. And the hypothesis of modern cosmology, based on a growing number of observations evidence says that in sufficiently large spatial scales, the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic, the “large enough” term refers to scales of the order of hundreds of mega parsecs (approximately 3.262.000 years light) seen what are discovering perhaps does not comply.

6. Overview.

The Universe gives us and will continue giving us headaches, obviously is asymmetrical in what we know, and I think that what we know and we are seeing not denies us nothing and will remain so. I now speak as a whole which includes how we will later see all the matter-antimatter that already existed before the Big Bang.

6.1. In the beginning.

One thing is clear from many years ago, just before the Big Bang, in an infinitesimal point matter and antimatter lived together, we know that 10-47 seconds later there was the “the great event” that led us to what is known as “inflation”, which is to say that the Universe underwent a brutally violent expansion with an exponential acceleration from 10-36 to 10-32 seconds. In this great burst of produced several facts: Speed beat of the light, which tells us that “Nothing” opened another dimension. Antimatter has not disappeared; a large force had to move it so that matter and antimatter not be “disappeared” to the clash. So it's the same so that we know in the other dimension appeared, what to follow with the same name, the fundamental anti- forces that generated the first initial elements of the antimatter and did what I call “Anti-Universe”, each one followed form in its dimension and not necessarily in the same way, what it is very attractive as it could be the explanation of where the antimatter, which the CERN exists in the same amount and is a reflection of matter.

6.2 Are there limits in the expansion?.

Jumping billions of years we are sensing that the end of the known Universe is accelerating, there is what I have called “Singularity finite-infinite” in several articles (we know where we are, but it is unpredictable to today to know where will arrive).This acceleration can be explained also know that energy at that point decreases and not converted into matter. Yes how I think conservation law is fulfilled “energy neither creates nor destroys only undergoes transformations” means that that energy -mass happens to another dimension which?, if we understand that the Universe behaves as quantum and relative, we can apply what he said Stephen Hawking pass to another Universe, which I've called “Anti-Universe”, with which caustic can pass information , remember that it has just been published that Australian and Chinese scientists has taken a great step to sending information by “teleportation” 20 kilometers of distance information between element by the quantum entanglement. Which leads us to say that the “Singularity finite - infinite it is possible and that continues to be a quantum element more that we are in the Universe as a whole “known and unknown Anti-Universe”.

6-3 The unknown.

By all calculations made by different methods we can conclude that the Universe as is contemplated so far only we know less of 5%, the rest we have to investigate. If add it treated here, “Anti-Universe ”included, our knowledge is reduces a lot, what not implies that the theories that are incorrect, to the contrary see that each step of knowledge that is reinforces and by there must follow.

We already know what existing nothing before the Big Bang and through which expands the Universe (in which “we lived” and that inhabits the antimatter) that according to what was said by the CERN on equality of matter and anti matter exists in the shedding, the same nothing that are expanding the two universes and what are due to the “singularity” finite - infinite We suppose that just is what is it that holds it, of course “the nothing is not “Atlas” holding “Gea” our blue Planet. Physics has now new challenges that we have to go by addressing and will give us light on this beautiful Universe that has been able to generate a life like ours.

7. Conclusions.

The laws of relativity are valid, with the exception of the case in which the speed of light is exceeded, as we have seen, and will later give a plausible theory. This fact has allowed us to know that there is another dimension, which explains because after the Big Bang almost only was matter in the known Universe. The “Anti-Matter” not could “evaporate or disappearing”, to the contrary by them conclusions of them studies of the CERN is could check that the matter and the antimatter are two images reflected perfectly in a mirror, what leads to think that if in the “inflation” is overcame it speed “c” of the light that antimatter step to it another dimension and there is developed creating antimatter that built what called “Anti-Universe” that in no case has that be such to the in live us.

Confirming the importance that is taking the mechanical quantum in the vision of the Universe David Kaiseren in July 2016 (Professor of history of the science and of physical in the MIT) says “what is fascinating is that many of us tend to think in the mechanical quantum applied to scales small... But is that not can escape from the mechanical quantum, even when describe the processes that happen to large distances. We cannot stop our description of quantum mechanics even when things stop into a State and enter another, traveling hundreds of miles. I think it's awesome.” One further step is what Alexander Szameit (University of Jena) says that the team to which it belongs “first demonstrated in an experiment that the concept of teleportation not only persists in the world of quantum particles, but also in our classical world”, perhaps he already sensed it and that Einstein called “spooky reaction distance” to the phenomenon that allows photons ”talk” to one another instantly regardless of the distance to which are.

The existence of quantum in the Universe phenomena found with birefringence or double refraction (optical property that consists of unfolding a ray of light into two linearly polarized rays perpendicular among themselves), which has been observed with the VLT (Very Large Telescope) that (Paranal (Chile) Observatory) neutrons RX J1856.5-3754, some 400 years star light by the team led by Roberto Mignani INAF Milano (Italy) and the University of Zielona Góra (Poland). He phenomenon of teleportation of the information has been carried out with success by scientific Chinese and Australian that teletrasportaron information to kilometers of distance (by the entanglement quantum, the record of these experiments is in 415 kilometers), what comes to confirm the communication quantum in them holes black already such by Stephan Hawkins.

Without hesitation we can say that the two theories found in the 20th century and which have allowed progress however we thought, are complementary to explain what happens in our Universe, something they already thought great theorists of the last century, and did not exclude Einstein as much to his regret, and his genius he knew that quantum theory could be not be forgotten and reduced only to “small”. The knowledge that have us allow affirm that the only form of explain the Universe is taking in has them theories of the relativity and quantum knowing that any of them two us can give them answers to all what the Universe us holds, and much less to what have seen of what can consider the “Anti-Universe” or Universe in which is the antimatter, and by what think is can communicate unless quantum exchanging information and states, being perhaps, of time by them holes black by where can do it, without discard that has others possibilities given the existence of speeds superior to it of the light in different places of the Universe raises also problems to it physical, is that in those moments of overcoming of “c” appears a new dimension that US leads to think that is can “pass to another place” in my opinion, the place is the “Anti-Universe” formed by antimatter, since it exists in the same equality that matter as demonstrated by CERN in their tests.

Is it possible to speak of “doors to another Universe”?, I think yes and one of them is if hesitation as I leave black holes suggests Stephan Hawking, although he admits how a possibility that is one of the paths that lead to another dimension or what I have named “Anti-Universe”, others those which are in galaxies that exceed the speed of light. In a step more to complete them “defects” of the theory of the relativity and how How writes Werner Hofmann:”offers the space and time are not how Einstein believed it” (Heidelberg, Germany 28/11/2016 http://spanish.peopledaily.com.cn/n3/2016/1128/c92121-9147847.html), confirming what Louis Essen considered that very few dare to question the theory of relativity by the prestige achieved by Einstein, most assume how correct and the only reason gives Essen is because most physicists accept it. Is another of them physical that seeing them benefits of it theory of the relativity of Einstein checks that contains errors and of which very few is dare talk, its critical leaves glimpse that one of them errors is consider the speed of it light “c” constant, giving you the reason them made happened and that are happening in the Universe how have seen more up. Not can forget “the game of the science does not have end. That decide a day that the hypothesis scientific not need any test more and that can be admitted as definitely verified, that is remove of the game” (Karl Popper: The Logic of Scientific Discovery), that is which us allows advance.

7.1 Early’s.

Half a attosegundo, when the Big Bang occurred and possibly the most fantastic explosion that took the Universe, existed both energy how the anti-energy (by the formula e=mc2) matter and antimatter occurred on inflation, what is important to note since they have conditioned the future of the “universal home” in which we live. First exceeded the “c” speed of light which allowed that antimatter could go to another space-time (had to exist one force greater than the attraction matter anti-matter), otherwise it would have destroyed everything, we very well know when the two meet. I think also to expand by “the nothing” appeared the energy and dark matter, something similar occurred in the space-time of antimatter or Anti-Universe?. The future will say it, although I think that the development has been different and we cannot speak of parallel universes, which I think is there from the inflation and that as I said more top according to CERN there is so much matter how antimatter, and therefore it is very possible to expand how we live. They are not far apart, since it is possible to transmit quantum information, and possibly one of the doors of communication between them. Perhaps each one a half together forming the complete Orange, and that is the real Universe.

7.2 Singularity finite-infinite.

It is important that “nothing” exists as Christophe Galfard explains, and that at the beginning of the paper, its existence I give for granted, knowing it will allow us to get to know what there was before inflation. How has been said what is happening at the edge of the Universe that we know there also have seen that surpasses the “c” speed of light, according to information reaching us and together with the accelerated expansion allows us to assure that the Universe is not going to collapse and will continue to expand. Also appear another dimension we find the Anti-Universe, which would explain something cooling detected?. We return to find that the expansion continues for “nothing” and not feed data that come to stop, rather will continue moving forward in “nothing”.

Something similar has to be happening in the Anti-Universe, and is likely that there is Exchange of information and matter, what I can't tell is how and purpose has, since we don't have data and they would only be speculations that are outside of physics. Of course, that it opens a new mystery that will be necessary to study, because it may tell us the future of the full Universe and perhaps the issue is still pending detection in some cases loss of energy, which contradicts the principle of Thermodynamics of energy conservation, could have an explanation by the exchange between both “Universes”.

7.3 Relativity and quantum.

David Reitze announcing the discovery of gravitational waves detected on 12 September and announced on the 11 February 2016, not be foresaw to say that not only were continuous, if not also quantum, but I leave it to glimpse or at least not ruled out the possibility that I would be on the line that I again repeat says David Kaiseren in July 2016 (Professor of history of science and physics at MIT) “what is fascinating It is that many of us tend to think of quantum mechanics applied to small scales... But it turns out that we cannot escape from quantum mechanics, even when we describe the processes that occur at great distances. We cannot stop our description of quantum mechanics even when things stop into a State and enter another, traveling hundreds of miles. I think it's awesome”. They are a small example of what now is happening, we know that the universe not be explained only with the theory of special relativity of genius Albert Einstein.

7.4 Final.

I wish to conclude with something that from a very young age I knew that everything that can be mathematically demonstrated it is possible to prove otherwise, which would add written by Albert Einstein “knowledge is about the experience. Everything else is only information”, which is complementary to the aforementioned Karl Popper “the history of science, as the all human ideas, is a history of irresponsible dreams, territory and errors. However, science is one of the few human activities, perhaps the only one, in which errors are systematically criticized and often, eventually, corrected”.




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